'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' spoilers: Luke Skywalker's backstory won't be revealed in 'Episode 8,' confirms Mark Hamill

The promotional poster of "Star Wars: The Last Jedi." Facebook/starwarsmovies

Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) has been gone for a long while in the "Star Wars" universe. As he will be back in the coming "Star Wars: The Last Jedi," will fans know what really happen to him in between "Return of the Jedi" and "The Force Awakens?"

Unfortunately, the 66-year-old actor revealed that fans will not get to see Skywalker's backstory in "Episode 8." In an interview with Disney Insider, he revealed that what happened to his character after being gone for 30 years is not important.

Instead, Hamill said that the biggest challenge for him was to know what exactly happened to his role than to tell it to the public. He had to collect decades of his role's backstory from the script, and some of it was something he had to make up for himself.

He then explained that he needed to know what the Master Jedi went through at the time to perfectly portray his role. However, the things Hamill learned about Skywalker would never be revealed in "Star Wars: The Last Jedi." "It's not important to the storyline for this film," he said.

Meanwhile, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy expressed her excitement to see the final output of "Episode 8" on the big screen. She has been long-waiting to see Johnson's take on the story and how he manages to put some balance in joining the new and old, iconic characters of the "Star Wars" franchise.

In Kennedy's interview with "The Star Wars Show," she proudly said that Johnson has done an "exceptional job" in handling the new characters together with the iconic ones that will definitely move fans to the "next place." However, she revealed that Johnson made "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" quite mysterious that it will never reveal the exact answers to the viewers' questions.

On the other hand, "Episode 8" is going to address the queries fans have in a very wonderful and challenging way. "I think there'll be some surprises that people aren't expecting," Kennedy added.

"Star Wars: The Last Jedi" is set to be released on Friday, Dec. 15, in the United States.