'Star Wars' Episode 8' spoilers, plot news: Rey to join Kylo Ren

A promotional poster for the film 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi.' Facebook/StarWarsPH

There is much anticipation for the space opera themed saga of "Star Wars" with "The Last Jedi" to be released next month. As of now, not much has been revealed with regards to the plot of the upcoming film but it has been reported that Rey, who is played by Daisy Ridley, could join Kylo Ren, played by Adam Driver, in the Dark Side.

In a report by the Inquisitr, the theory of Rey and Kylo Ren joining forces was initially believed to be a marketing distraction to mislead fans about the plot of the film. However, in a "Star Wars" centric Tumblr page, it has been teased that the plot will revolve around the "collision of good and evil, light and darkness" and the "new destiny against the destiny of the past."

This could potentially confirm fans' theories about the trailers that have been released so far. Fans of the series have already known thus far that Rey and Kylo Ren are somehow connected, and that they are destined to face each other once again. It is notable to mention, however, that Rey's power at this point in the story is not yet known. It is safe to assume that she is naturally gifted in the ways of the force without intensive training.

Therefore, it could be possible that she would seek out Kylo Ren in order to fully understand her own powers. In other news, Express has reported that some additional spoilers could possibly have been leaked due to some descriptions provided online for LEGO "Star Wars" merchandise. One of these descriptions states that Rey will be searching for some kind of hut in the island of Ahch-To.

Why would Rey be searching for a hut? Does this have to do with her training?

"Star Wars: The Last Jedi" will be released on Dec. 9 in the U.S.