'Star Wars Episode 8' plot news: Mark Hamill says Luke does not eat Porgs; new scene suggests Palpatine is alive?

"The Last Jedi" premieres on Dec. 15 YouTube/Star Wars

The premiere of "Star Wars Episode 8: The Last Jedi" is just months away and as the date approaches, more tidbits of information have been coming out. Even though Luke may be going down a dark path in the upcoming installment, it certainly does not involve eating a certain creature.

The creature to be exact? Porgs. The book "Star Wars Made Easy" gave a little disturbing tidbit regarding the other creatures staying in Ahch-To along with Luke, the Porgs included. In one part of the book titled "Luke's Island Highlights," it said that the porgs were cute and were probably tasty.

This bit of information sure triggered a lot of violent reactions, but fortunately Mark Hamill cleared that information up. He shared a tweet with two photos attached: One of a cute Porg, and another of Luke. Hamill said that Luke has never eaten a Porg and has been a vegetarian for a while before the events of the original trilogy.

"Please be advised: Porgs are not on any Ahch-To Menu - Luke hasn't been a meat-eater since Aunt Beru made that nice Womp Rat Brisket back home," wrote Hamill.

Fans may be relieved that Luke would not eat the cute creatures, but that does not mean the other characters do not as well.

Meanwhile, a new scene that has come up online that suggests that Emperor Palpatine a.k.a. Darth Sidious may actually still be alive. The scene comes from the newest Star Wars game "Battlefront 2" which also fits in the canon. Although the events take place in the past, it also shows some scenes that take place after the Death Star has been destroyed. Palpatine suddenly appears before Admiral Versio and his daughter Iden.

Although Palpatine appears to the two in a sort of message that seems to be recorded in case of emergencies, it also seems to identify the Admiral. Palpatine is certainly one for sending a lot of messages.

It is still unlikely that Palpatine may still be alive by "The Last Jedi" but it is clear that Disney is laying out the groundwork for the character to take part in the expanded Star Wars universe. There is a chance that Palpatine may be featured in a rumored hologram scene between Snoke and Kylo Ren.

"Star Wars: The Last Jedi" will premiere on Dec. 15.