'Star Wars Battlefront 2' multiplayer tips and tricks: abilities, classes, and shooting guide for beginners

The promotional poster of "Star Wars Battlefront 2." Facebook/EAStarWars

Action shooter video game based on the Star Wars film franchise "Star Wars Battlefront 2" is seemingly one of the most easily accessible multiplayer shooters available. However, once players get into the core of the game, there is a lot more to uncover than what is on the surface. Here are some multiplayer tips for beginners to be able to get a good grip of some of the title's aspects and get a head-start on its multiplayer mode.

First off, it is important that players familiarize themselves with the abilities available to their characters. All the characters' abilities are mapped to L1/LB and R1/RB with the most powerful skill activated by squeezing both buttons at the same time. These abilities are generally on a cooldown timer which usually refill fairly fast, so it is wise to them often and to keep an eye on when they are ready again.

Another basic tip is to learn the classes in "Star Wars Battlefront 2." Each class has its unique distiction, so it is important that players get familiar with them and use it to their advantage. The Assault class is an all-rounder, the Heavy packs a hefty blaster and is an effective first line of attack, the Specialist is armed with a sniper-rifle and thermal goggles best for scouting, and the Officer is the support class tailor-made for making teammates more powerful. Additionally, it is advised that players be mindful of what classes their teammates are using as a good mix of classes can help.

It is also important that players use their battle points efficiently. These points can be spent to spawn as a vehicle such as a flame or jet trooper. Alternatively, players can save up battle points to spawn special Star Wars heroes including Yoda, Han Solo, and Kylo Ren.

A more technical tip is to shoot from the hip. It is a highly viable tactic in "Star Wars Battlefront 2" as aiming down the sights will give players tighter control.

It is also important to stick to the objective particularly in the modes Galactic Assault and Starfighter Assault. The HUD provides plenty of information to guide players on what they are supposed to be doing. Additionally, playing the objective equates to more battle points.

"Star Wars Battlefront 2" topped the PlayStation Network download chart last month despite starting off slow predominantly because of the controversy sorrounding the game's lootboxes.