Youth ministry Soul Survivor has concluded its main event for this summer, where over 21,000 young people gathered in the Royal Bath and West Showground in Somerset to grow closer to God.
More than 21,000 young people gathered in the Royal Bath and West Showground in Somerset. (SS)
Over 1,000 young people had committed their lives to God for the first time.
Mike Pilavachi, founder and leader of Soul Survivor said, "It has been an amazing few weeks. We’ve had the privilege of seeing so many commit their lives to Jesus for the first time, receive the Holy Spirit, be challenged, equipped and encouraged in their faith.
"God has healed many of physical ailments and emotionally healed people from grief, self-hatred, depression, anorexia and suicidal thoughts. But it’s not about a one-off experience; with everything that’s happened at Soul Survivor our aim has been to equip young people to live out their every day lives for Jesus wherever they return home to."
A Soul Man stream was introduced to run alongside the Soul Sista seminars each afternoon, giving both sexes the chance to explore key issues like identity, sexual purity and relationships in a safe environment.
In addition to the main meetings, there was a choice of over 80 seminars each week.
One of the conferences ‘Passion for Your Name’ was greatly received as it guided young people to ‘dig into the Holy Scripture’ for a five-day period.
Hosted by Pilavachi, the diverse range of speakers included Graham Cray, Andy Hawthorne, Director of The Message Trust, Bob and Mary Hopkins from Fresh Expressions, J John, Patrick Regan, CEO of XLP/SOULINTHECITY, Brother Andrew, Jo Saxton, Greg Russinger onehundredhours, David Westlake from Tearfund/Soul Action, among many others.
With a passion to help young people to capture a vision of Jesus, Soul Survivor has continued this year with the aim to equip, train, empower and release them into His ministry in their everyday lives.
2007 events will take place at the Royal Bath and West Showground on the following dates:
Momentum 20th – 24th July
Soul Survivor Week A 13th – 17th August
Soul Survivor Week B 18th – 22nd August
For more information on Soul Survivor, go to