So much to do in such a little time? Here's what you should do


We all have many different things to do in our lives, and such a limited time to do what we were meant to. Have you ever experienced trying your hand at accomplishing something, only to find in the middle of the job that your time to do it is up?

If you said yes to that, then you pretty much know how disappointing it is.

Work while it is day

Friends, our time to do the things that fulfill our lives is very limited. Many of us desire to do great things, but get frustrated when we realise that we have so little time for it. The problem, my friends, is not that we have so little time. The problem is that we don't maximise the time that we have in pursuing what we should pursue. That's what the Lord Jesus wants us to do.

He said in John 9:4, "We must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us. The night is coming, and then no one can work."

Read that again. From this verse alone we can get some instructions to become successful in such a short amount of time. Here are some things that we can learn from what Jesus said.

1. Know your purpose and focus

"... carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent us."

Jesus said that we must carry out what we were tasked to do. Do we even know what we were assigned to do?

Some of us focus on our dreams and ambitions. Some focus on mere natural responsibilities such as work, earning an income, paying bills, and taking care of family. While both aren't wrong, we need to know the greatest responsibility that we have, and focus our lives on it.

We have been commanded to love God above all and to love others, sharing the gospel of Christ to them. This is what we should focus on.

2) Be eager to do what you were tasked to do

"We must quickly carry out the tasks..."

Knowing our purpose and focus isn't enough: We should eagerly and vigorously carry them out with all that we have. Frankly, unless we are wholeheartedly committed to doing what God wants us to do, we will put God's purposes on the back seat, left to the dust.

Let's quickly carry out what God wants us to do, and focus on it.

3. Recognise that we don't have forever to do it

"The night is coming, and then no one can work."

Friends, our time on this earth is so short. We don't even know if we'll live another day. Because of this, we should decide to give God's work all that we've got.

We must realise that because the world needs the gospel of Christ with such urgency, we don't have time to kid around. We don't have time to waste. We are given just one life, and we should dedicate it for God's purposes.