'Sleepy Hollow' season 3: Abbie and Jenny will finally learn why their father left

Abbie Mills (Nicole Beharie) will finally learn more about her father Ezra in the next episode of 'Sleepy Hollow' season 3. facebook.com/SleepyHollow

Fans of "Sleepy Hollow" will finally learn more about Abbie Mills' (Nicole Beharie) father Ezra when the series returns for the second part of season 3.

Series showrunner Clifton Campbell recently told TVLine that the mystery behind Ezra's character will be answered in the upcoming episodes of the series.

"I think the hardcore fans have always wondered about Dad," Campbell revealed during the interview. "There was a picture painted of him early on that was the guy who ran off, who couldn't deal, and who fled. It's very nice to find that that's not necessarily true, and the part of it that is true is much more realized in the back half [of the season]."

The show's executive producer Albert Kim also stated that Ezra was a mysterious figure for both Abbie and her sister Jenny (Lyndie Greenwood), since he left them when they were little. But once he returns to their lives, they will reportedly understand that there are several details in their family's story that were "missing from his perspective."

Fans have learned that Abbie and Jenny's mother never suffered from a mental condition. This means that there are other reasons why Ezra decided to abandon their family when they were younger.

"As with everything in 'Sleepy Hollow,' he has more in his past that we don't know about that will come to bear on Abbie and Jenny's story," Kim revealed. "That's a big spoiler: whether he's keyed in or not."

Ezra Mills will be portrayed by "NYPD Blue" actor James McDaniel, who described the role as "awesome" and "amazing."

Meanwhile, the fans will finally learn Abbie's fate after she sank into another world when she tried to save Jenny from falling underneath Pandora's (Shannyn Sossamon) tree. Did Ichabod Crane (Tom Mison) do something to rescue his partner from a possible death?

"Sleepy Hollow" season 3 returns on a new timeslot on Friday, Feb. 5, on Fox.