Single blessedness not a lonely life since God finds ways for single people to still be happy, says Billy Graham

Billy and Ruth Graham on their wedding day in this undated photo. (Facebook/Franklin Graham)

God wants Christians to enjoy marriage, and renowned American evangelist Billy Graham says God values the union between man and woman so much that the Bible even compares marriage to Christ's deep love for His people.

Ephesians 5:25 reads: "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her."

However, Graham understands that marriage is not for everybody, and there are some people who will go through life without a partner. It might be God's will for some people to remain single for the rest of their lives, but Graham assures everyone that single blessedness will not be a lonely life.

"Don't worry about [their] happiness. You can be confident that God will provide other ways for [their lives] to be fulfilled and happy. Yes, you experience happiness through being with your family and doing things with them—but [they] may have opportunities to do things and meet people you'll never be able to, because you simply don't have the time," Graham writes in an advice column for Crossmap.

He also wants people to remember that Jesus Himself was never married, nor was the Apostle Paul. "Paul, in fact, urged people not to enter marriage thoughtlessly or without being certain it was God's will. Marriage was indeed God's will for most-but for others singleness was best, so they could 'live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord,'" he explains.

For those who are concerned about friends or relatives who remain single, Graham encourages them to promote church involvement so that they have the opportunity to meet other single people in the ministry.

However, Graham advises people not to push marriage down their throats and respect others' decision to remain single.

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