Should Christians prepare for a zombie outbreak - seriously?

Should Christians hide in their safehouses? Pixabay

The world today has all sorts of ideas about zombie outbreaks, and these ideas are found in many forms of media available: movies, videogames, comicbooks, even posters and shirts.

Equally interesting to note, however, are the number of people who have become "doomsday preppers." These people, preparing for all sorts of possible calamities including zombie outbreaks, spend their time and money learning survival skills, setting up safehouses, and stock up on food items that will last a long time.

Are you a prepper yourself? If you are, ask yourself: "am I ready to face God"

Honestly, I'm not going to talk about zombies and if they're in the Bible. Although it would be fun talking about running and picking up weapons to fend off a horde of hungry undead, I won't be talking about them. I'm going to talk about the living and where they are headed to after death.

It's a trust issue

I've noticed that doomsday preppers prepare well ahead of time. Their preparations cost them time and a lot of money. One prepper even resigned from his job in order to be a prepper and spent millions of dollars building a safe house.

While being prepared and thinking ahead is always a good thing, we should not allow any expected calamity or unfortunate event to cause us to abandon all that we should do and choose to fight for our own survival instead.

No matter how much we prepare for the future, the fact is that no matter what will happen, we will all die someday. Whether rich or poor, with safehouse or with no safehouse, the Bible tells us,

"Man is like a breath; his days are like a passing shadow." (Psalm 144:4)

And so, friends, we should realize that the future is a matter of trusting in God, not in a set of skills and a vault full of freeze-dried food. Are we going to live in fear of the future and spend all our fortune on survival, or are we going to trust in God and leave our future into His hands while we follow and obey Him while we're alive?

Are we going to worry about the future and live as if it's the only thing that matters, or are we going to trust in God and live here and now where we can grow in relationship with and obedience to Him?

The real question

Friends, the Bible tells us that heaven and hell is real. Whether there will or there won't be zombies doesn't really matter, because our final destination isn't here on earth. It's either heaven or hell.

And so the real question here is not "how prepared are you" for calamities. The real question is "are you ready to face your Maker when you die?"

  • I know I don't have a bunker with 20-30 years' worth of vacuum-packed food, but I do know that Christ died for me and raised me up with Him into the heavens. (Ephesians 2:4-6)
  • I know that I don't have much knowledge about survival skills, but I do know that when I seek God's Kingdom and righteousness before anything, He'll make sure that I'll be provided for abundantly. (Matthew 6:33)
  • I don't know if zombies really do exist because I haven't seen one, but I know that I was once dead but now I am alive in Christ. I was a "zombie," but now I am a man and a child of God. (Ephesians 2:1)

What about you? I hope that you would put your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and what He has done for you. Our real safehouse is heaven, and our key to enter in it is the Lord Jesus Christ's shed blood.

"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39)