Should Christians pursue the calling to become missionaries even if this goes against their parents' wishes?


Should Christians pursue the calling to become missionaries or should they obey their parents' wishes and just stay at home? One student wrote to Pastor John Piper and asked the theologian what he should do. He loves and respects his parents, but they believe missionary work is a waste of time and he would be a "fool" to leave America.

Piper answered the young boy on his Desiring God website and said that obeying one's parents should always be top priority. "Even though there comes a time when the will of Christ perceived in your own soul by the Holy Spirit through the word of God should take precedence over the will of your parents, if they conflict, nevertheless, God's command for children to obey their parents is very serious," Piper stressed.

Instead of heeding the call to become a missionary right now, Piper told the young man to bide his time since he still has his whole life ahead of him.

"You are young and have much time in front of you, as far as you know. Don't calculate whether your life is wasted simply on the basis of the next five or 10 years. Think on a bigger scale than that. God decides whether you will live another minute or live another 60 years. You should plan for the latter, not the former," he said.

Piper did take note that the "apparent worldliness" of the man's parents is holding their son back from becoming a missionary. So he told the eager Christ follower to try and "win" his parents over first by showing through his behaviour "that Jesus is more precious and more satisfying and more important than America."

"You want them to see that, in your own life, Christ is sufficient to satisfy your soul, even if your mission is postponed," he said.

For the meantime, Piper suggested that the man seek out a rigorous Christian college or university, and be involved with whatever missions that come his way. That way, he will be fully prepared when the time is finally right for him to work for God overseas.

Piper's sentiment was echoed by Kim Ransleben, a guest contributor for Desiring God. She earlier wrote that the first challenge of every missionary is to win the people back at home to Christ.

"Jesus commands us to go, to make disciples of all nations, but don't forget that He told the apostles to start in Jerusalem — where they were. If you want your parents to believe that you'll be faithful stewards out there, give them an idea what that looks like right here," she said.