Shocking YouTube video shows parents laughing as they teach young children about masturbation

 (Photo: YouTube/WatchCut Video)

There are shocking videos, and then are videos that are really shocking, like one recent addition to YouTube in which parents are seen laughing and joking as they teach their children about masturbation and even encourage them to explore it. 

The video 'Parents Explain Masturbation' was posted last week and has since gone viral with over 1.5 million views but noticeably, the number of 'thumbs up' at nearly 18,000 are far outnumbered by the 85,000 people who gave it a 'thumbs down'.

In the video, lasting just under five minutes, the parents laugh as their children cringe and squirm at hearing the details of masturbation.  Shockingly, some of the parents even give a demonstration of how it's done. 

One girl says 'no, mom' as her mom explains what it involves, while another boy squirms when his mom attempts to demonstrate how boys would do it.

 (Photo: YouTube/WatchCut Video)

Later one mom encourages her daughter to touch a vibrating dildo and another mom explains to her young son that she used 'one like this' before.  

The kids screw up their faces throughout the video and can be heard saying 'no, noooo' as their moms go into detail about the practice, deemed sinful by most Christians.

The parents don't only speak about it.  In front of the kids is a table displaying objects related to masturbation that the parents use as props throughout the video, including lotion, tissues and dildos. 

Strangely, one of the dildos is blurred out in the video, presumably so that it doesn't offend YouTube viewers, even though the children in the video are fully exposed to the real thing. 

The comments posted below the video reveal the level of outrage over the material in the video, particularly as the children featured are minors. 

Angry comments from YouTubers included:

'Unsubscribed.  This is utterly disgusting.  What is happening to this generation...'

'Way too young... Why is this allowed???'

'The fact that YouTube is promoting this kind of behavior is also quite alarming.'

'This video pretty much sums up about everything wrong with our country.'

'What is the point of blurring that toy if there are kids already there?'

The video is posted below but WARNING, it contains GRAPHIC CONTENT and viewer discretion is advised: