'Shameless' Season 8 release date news: plot involves the separate lives of Gallagher children

Screenshot from the season 8 trailer of 'Shameless' YouTube/Shameless

Season 8 of comedy-drama TV series "Shameless" aired earlier on Nov. 5.

Shameless follows the stories of the dysfunctional Gallagher family. Frank is the single father of six kids and spends most of his days drunk. Because of Frank's vices, his kids need to learn to fend for themselves. Part-comedy, part-drama TV show, "Shameless" not only deals with the fun, light-hearted moments in its character's lives but also with the serious issues that change them. One of this issues is how Frank's alcohol problems, not only affect himself but his family and their way of life.

Previous seasons focused on the kids dealing with their father and growing up, but season 8, features the Gallagher kids as adults dealing with their own lives.TV website Variety gives a short summary of where the Gallagher kids are at now. At this point in the series, the kids are struggling to find their own place in the world. Fiona has recently purchased an apartment and is giving "adulting" a genuine go, Lip has returned home to sober up after getting kicked out of college, Ian is both working as an EMT and grieving the loss of his mother, Carl is peddling meth on the streets, while Debbie is struggling to get an education in hopes of making out in the world and providing for herself and her daughter.

Frank and his alcoholism are no longer at the center of the children's lives. They've gone their own ways, made their own choices, and now have to deal with how these choices are affecting their lives. It's a realistic look at growing up and getting thrust into a world that tries to throw one to the ground.

In an interview with Variety, John Wells (the show's executive producer), says that this season's theme is "at what point is trying to branch out on your own possible – possible for you, because you still may want to be involved in some things, but also possible for the others who want you to no longer be trying to run their lives but also may need to depend on you for certain things?"

How the Gallagher family deals with the changes in their lives, will only be seen as the season progresses.