'Sea of Thives' news: Data mine reveals upcoming features for full version

A screenshot from the open-world video game developed by Rare, "Sea of Thieves" Facebook/SeaOfThievesGame

The online pirate simulator video game developed by Rare, "Sea of Thieves," has been available on closed beta for a while now, while the full version is being prepared for a full launch — which has made players very curious about just how much of the game they are playing at this point. Fortunately, some netizens have stumbled upon a data mine on Reddit, which may provide informative news on some of the features that players can expect from the full version. 

As seen on Reddit, it is revealed that the ship customization is going to be a very big element in the game. "Sea of Thieves" will grant players a vast array of options with which they can customize their ships according to their specific tastes, including its weaponry and overall aesthetic. There will be a myriad of different cannons, capstans, liveries, masts, and steering wheels to discover when the game's full version has been released. 

Notably, ship customization is an end-game endeavor and is aimed at encouraging players to strengthen their ships in order to become the most fearsome pirates in the game. Perhaps the most exciting option that players can have is the harpoon gun, which is a very important tool that is essential in the life of a pirate.

Additionally, the harpoon gun can be used to take on the fearsome beasts of the sea since it is also reported that krakens and mermaids as well as other monsters may just make it to the full version of the game. As of now, the developers are still tweaking the game for further optimization and attempting to eliminate some of the bugs that players have been reporting throughout the closed beta. 

It is important to mention that those who have been given the opportunity to try the closed beta version have not had the chance to sample these customization features just yet. However, they may have access to them as the full version's release date draws closer. The closed beta for "Sea of Thieves" ends on Jan. 31.