Scottish Government needs to be 'very careful' about endorsing trans school guidance

The Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh (Reuters)

The Christian Institute has called for caution after reports that the Scottish Government is planning to endorse new transgender guidance for schools. 

The new, non-statutory guidance is from LGBT Youth Scotland and is an updated version of a document originally published by the charity in 2017 called 'Supporting Transgender Young People'.

The Scottish Government endorsed the 2017 document before withdrawing its support after its content was challenged, namely its recommendation that schools take an affirmative approach towards children questioning their gender and advice telling them that they do not need to inform parents.

The Christian Institute was among the organisations that warned against the original guidance, which it described as "misleading and misguided".

The Sunday Times recently reported that the Scottish Government appears set to endorse the revised guidance.

The newspaper quotes a leaked transcript of a recent LGBT Youth Scotland event at which a staffer said that the updated document "is soon to be Scottish Government guidance". 

The Christian Institute's Simon Calvert said that any guidance should strike a balance between competing rights.

"The Scottish government has got this wrong before. They are going to have to be very careful not to get it wrong again," he said. 

"Parents have rights. Teachers have rights. And non-trans pupils have rights. All these rights have to be balanced."