Church Mission Society (CMS) and the Diocese of London are encouraging churches in London to invite local schools over in the run up to Easter to help young people engage with the event of the cross and resurrection of Jesus.
New resources have been put together by CMS and the Diocese of London featuring dramatic new images by Dennis Morris depicting a modern representation of the Easter story.
The resources have been sent out to every church in the Diocese of London together with a box of support material. The churches are being encouraged to run workshops on the Easter story during Holy Week.
"The aim is to help young people engage with the Easter story and make connections with their own lives," explains the Rev Anita Matthews from the CMS Youth and Children's team.
"We hope that it will resource many people in telling the Easter story and exploring what it means in a fresh and creative way."
Churches can also build on their existing school relations by offering assembly ideas from the resource to use over the Easter period.
The resource is available to download at