'Scandal' season 6 episode 11 spoilers: Olivia's life may be in danger

A screenshot from the ABC TV series "Scandal"  abc.com

Olivia's (Kerry Washington) life may be in danger in episode 11 of "Scandal" season 6.

Titled "Trojan Horse," the official synopsis for the upcoming episode reveals that "Olivia and the team are determined to bring down Peus." However, the electoral college vote fast approaches and poses threat to their intent. It seems that the upcoming election will result in the death of another victim.

In the promotional preview of episode 11, the clip shows Attorney General David Rosen (Joshua Malina) clearing Cyrus Beene (Jeff Perry) of all murder charges against the assassination of Frankie Vargas (Ricardo Chavira). With this, Abby (Darby Stanchfield) will look for ways to make Cyrus the new president of the United States.

The preview also shows Olivia telling the rest that the White House belongs to Cyrus. He may have the upper hand in the election, as the people are also sympathetic toward him. On the other hand, Mellie (Bellamy Young) believes that she still deserves the spot when she tells Olivia that she will continue to fight and will not quit.

As for Olivia, her life seems to be in trouble especially if Cyrus wins the election. The clip shows his father Rowan (Joe Morton) worried for Olivia as he tells her daughter that she will be killed if Cyrus gets the presidency. The preview also teases, "We cannot tell you who leaves the oval, but there will be blood." Will Olivia die in the upcoming episode of the American television drama series?

Meanwhile, Huck (Guillermo Diaz) continues to recover from the wounds he suffered previously in "Scandal" season 6, with the help of Quinn (Katie Lowes). In episode 9 of the television show, Huck suffered serious injuries and wounds after they looked into the sensitive case of Vargas.

"Scandal" season 6 airs episode 11 on Thursday, April 20, at 8 p.m. EDT on ABC.