There is always a downside to fame, and for "Duck Dynasty" star Sadie Robertson, it is the constant criticisms she receives about her appearance and lifestyle choices.
What the Christian reality TV star learned over the years, however, is that she cannot please everybody. So instead of wasting time trying to conform to the public's standards for beauty and healthy living, Sadie decided that she would rather live according to her own standards.
On her Instagram account (@legitsadierob), the outspoken teenager wrote a message addressed to "the world," saying that she is done obsessing about what other people think of her.
"If you're too skinny, they call you sick. If you are too fat, they say it's gross. If you don't eat enough, they talk about you behind your back. If you eat too much, they make fun of you. You can't win with the world, so don't try. Be confident in who you are. Live life to the fullest of who you were created to be. Live original," she wrote.
Sadie showed some sense of humour when she added: "Oh, and on a side note I just ate four pieces of pizza with two bread sticks for dinner, and enjoyed every second of it."
Naturally, Sadie's fans lauded her thoughtful message. "You're truly amazing," Emma Lee Honkanen posted. "We live in a messed up world where they tell us one thing and then the next minute, they tell us the complete opposite. You're right, we can't win with this world and that's because we aren't for this world. This is just a temporary home, while God prepares our place to be with Him."
A woman named Debbie Workman was also inspired by Sadie's thoughts. "Thank you for your words of wisdom. I am 59 years old and have spent most of my adult years consumed with my weight. What a waste of time and energy!" she said.