Sadie Robertson reveals some of her physical insecurities, shares how she finds beauty in God's creations

This selfie taken by Sadie Robertson shows how her nose does not align with her teeth. The teenager confesses that it's actually one of her physical insecurities. (Instagram/Sadie Robertson)

Everybody has insecurities, but many people are afraid to admit what they are. As difficult as it might be to pinpoint her physical imperfections, "Duck Dynasty" star Sadie Robertson did so to share an inspiring message for her fans.

On her Instagram account (@legitsadierob), the "Live Original" teen shared a selfie with a gorgeous green landscape in the background. "The thing I learned from this weird camera selfie.... my face is crooked, and that has always bothered me. My teeth don't line up right with my nose, if you can tell. It's kind of been an insecurity of mine for a long time," she writes.

However, Robertson says no one else would even notice her physical imperfections "because look behind me. Look at how beautiful the creation [of God] is right behind my insecurities!!! It's easy to see the negative things in life. They will always stick out... but challenge yourself to look beyond them and see beauty!! Sometimes it's even right behind you!!"

Robertson enjoys sharing positive messages to her fans. Previously, the teenager talked about the pitfalls of peer pressure in a short video taken during last year's "Live Original" event. The video shows Sadie sitting on a chair as she talks about her desire to fit in with the "cool" crowd.

"Sometimes we betray ourselves for our 'friends' because we want so desperately to fit in with the 'cool people,'" she says. "Let me tell you. I have been there, but it's a long hard road trying to keep up with people's opinions. Be yourself, and decide today to start making the right decisions. You never know the influence you could begin to have. Lots of people want to get out, [but] no one wants to be the one to lead. Go ahead and lead."

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