Sadie Robertson bounces back from split with Blake Coward, dates Texas A&M quarterback Trevor Knight

Trevor Knight and Sadie Robertson enjoy a Justin Bieber concert together. (Instagram/Trevor Knight)

It was only a few weeks ago when reports came out that "Duck Dynasty" teenage star Sadie Robertson had split with her long-time boyfriend Blake Coward. Now, it looks like the reality star is bouncing back from her break-up really well since she was spotted on a date with Texas A&M quarterback Trevor Knight.

It was Knight who posted a snapshot of his date with Robertson during a Justin Bieber concert on his Instagram account (@trevor_knight9). "'Is it too late now to say sorry' all the people who had to witness a 22-year-old man dancing at a Justin Bieber concert? Had a blast with @legitsadierob anyways!" he captioned the photo.

Meanwhile, Robertson has finally opened up about her break-up with Coward in her YouTube channel. "About a month ago Blake and I broke up, which was a shock to a lot of [you]," she says. "It was not how we would wish things would end, but it's what happened. We feel like this is the best thing."

Robertson does not cite the reason for their split, only saying that she did not want to be "bound in bitterness" that things did not work out between her and Coward.

She says the Bible verse Psalm 143:10 helped her put things into perspective. It says, "Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground."

She says every time she feels sad and lonely, she would tell herself, "God has a purpose for me."

At the same time, Robertson hopes that good things will happen to Coward even though they have gone their separate ways. "This is what I hope for Blake. I hope that Blake finds somebody so much better than me in every single way. Because if I wasn't right for him, I know somebody is perfect for him. Because I do love him. I did love him a lot," she says.

It's tempting to indulge in bitterness, jealousy and anger, says Robertson, but those who are broken-hearted should simply accept the fact that their relationship has ended and learn from its mistakes.

"Take the things that you can work on and grow in that. Be better for the next person, the person God has prepared for you," she says.

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