Joey Feek cancer update: Walking down memory late with husband Rory on Valentine's Day

 Rory and Joey Feek/This Life I Live blog

Christian country singers Rory and Joey Feek have always celebrated Valentine's Day, and this year is no exception.

However, their 14th Valentine's Day together might be their last, and Joey is already too weak to maintain their usual tradition of having a romantic candle-lit dinner for two.

"With the big week we have coming up, we have a little plan. But ultimately, how the plan plays out is up to God," Rory wrote in his blog "This Life I Live."

"Valentine's Day is this Sunday, the Grammy awards Monday, our little Indiana turns 2 on Wednesday, and on top of all that, our new album was released today," he said.

Rory said what he really wants to do is to have dinner with his wife and grill some rib-eye steaks on their campfire back home. He would like to complete their meal with two glasses of red wine which they would enjoy at their kitchen table.

"But those things aren't able to happen this year," he said. "Neither Joey, nor I, have laid eyes on our farmhouse back in Tennessee since the middle of October. On top of that, Joey's illness hasn't allowed her to be able to eat much of anything for some time now and she sleeps most of the days and nights away."

Instead, what the country singing duo will do this year is take a "virtual walk down memory lane." They will enjoy seeing old photos and videos on Rory's laptop, and reminiscing their first few dates that eventually led to marriage and babies.

"I want to take her back to where our lives first began together, and relive this beautiful journey that God has taken us on... from that first song she heard me sing at the Bluebird cafe, to the last one we sang together as we stood on stage and took our final bow... to the songs that she will leave behind here on earth and the ones she will soon sing for eternity to our sweet Lord in that heavenly choir up yonder," said Rory.

Country singing duo Rory and Joey Feek share a sweet dance at home. (This Life I Live Blog)

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