Country singer Rory Feek and his wife Joey are trying to make the most out of their remaining days together as Joey fights cancer, and the couple have thought it fitting to do so by growing plants in their garden.
"I just want her to be able to be in the garden — this year and twenty more after it. And I will keep the garden going. Joey's garden," Rory, 49, wrote on his blog called This Life I Live on Thursday. "So thin and gaunt, and more frail than ever, my wife is sowing her seeds — putting down roots in the soil of our lives and hearts. Getting us ready for something that we can't see right now for the tears in our eyes... something she might not even get to see at all."
Rory revealed that Spring is when Joey feels the most alive, and despite her sickness, this year is no exception. When they finally saw Joey's seedlings sprout "like little arms stretching after a long sleep," the Feek family was overcome with joy and awe.
"It was a beautiful sight to see," he added. "Even our little Indy was in amazement. It was her first time to really see her Mama's green thumb in action."
Rory said that growing plants is important to his wife because it means she can feed her family. Despite her cancer, Joey is still doing whatever she can to care for her family.
"That doesn't stop just because you have cancer or are stuck in a bed for months-on-end. Life goes on. And what was important, is still important to her," explained Rory. "I love that about my wife. That, and a million other things."