Ronda Rousey WWE news: Divas sound off on Rousey's WWE debut

A promotional poster for the upcoming WWE event, "WrestleMania 34" Facebook/WrestleMania

It is confirmed that former women's bantamweight Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) title holder Ronda Rousey will be making an appearance in the upcoming World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) event "WrestleMania 34." This news may have been circulating for a while now, but not everyone in the WWE is pleased to hear about Rousey's participation. 

Former WWE Diva champion Sasha Banks could not help but share her thoughts on the WWE's decision to allow Rousey to make her pro wrestling debut -- which she shared during an appearance on "SiriusXM's Busted Open." Banks stated that she has nothing positive to say about Rousey joining the WWE and was apologetic about her honesty.

It appears that interviewers attempted to get more information on Bank's thoughts, but she insisted to keep her lips tightly sealed so as not to stir any more controversy. 

It is notable to mention that Banks stated that she would be open to the possibility of squaring off with Rousey someday, simply due to the fact that it is her job as a professional wrestler. At this point, it is quite unclear if Banks' negative feelings toward Rousey are part of the WWE plot, or if these are her true sentiments on the matter. Whatever the case may be, a good number of Divas have expressed their desire to face Rousey in the future. 

Another Diva, Natalya, shared her thoughts on Rousey's WWE debut during her appearance at "The Trend with Rebecca Granet." The WWE Diva discussed the possible approach that the 31-year-old may take when she finally graces the wrestling ring. Natalya pointed out that each wrestler in the WWE possesses various backgrounds, and their past experiences may greatly influence what kind of wrestler they end up becoming.

She also stated that Rousey would have to make a significant mark on the sport since a lot of hype is being generated around her arrival in the WWE. Furthermore, Natalya recognizes that Rousey's overall popularity could be good for the sport, in that it will certainly bring more attention to the WWE -- especially for the women's wrestling division. 

"WrestleMania 34" is schedule to take place on April 8 later this year.