'Rise of the Living Dead' release date news: George Romero's son to helm 'Night of the Living Dead' prequel

Promotional poster for the film "Night of the Living Dead." Continental

A new zombie film might come out. The son of the late zombie master George Romero, Cameron Romero, recently announced that he has plans of making a prequel film to his father's "Night of the Living Dead."

The younger Romero has been busy getting the project off the ground since 2014, which had him start a crowdfunding campaign which managed to raise $30,000. Initially titled "Origins," the prequel has now been renamed to "Rise of the Living Dead."

The prequel's story will take place during the socially trying times of the early 1960s, not too long before the zombie outbreak that happened on "Night of the Living Dead."

It will follow the story of Dr. Ryan Cartwright, a scientist working with the military to find a way to prolong life if a nuclear holocaust falls over the United States. This mission eerily mirrors the events of the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, which had the United States and Russia almost going for mutual nuclear destruction. These events will be Cartwright's journey to creating the first zombies and creating the outbreak that followed.

Cameron Romero's father, George, was one of the most notable horror directors of all time. The elder Romero, unfortunately, passed away last July at the age of 77.

George Romero helmed a total of 15 feature films in his illustrious career which spanned four decades, but he'll always be remembered as starting the zombie genre that people watch today.

Before George Romero's "Night of the Living Dead," which was shown in 1968, zombies did not feast on flesh, they traveled in large groups and they didn't have the means to infect people. Without Romero's influence, fans of the genre would not see great TV shows like "The Walking Dead" or cult hit zombie films like "Zombieland," "Shaun of the Dead" or "Return of the Living Dead."

Cameron Romero has yet to detail his plans for the prequel "Rise of the Living Dead," or when the film's production will begin. The younger Romero hopes to continue the tale of the undead legacy started by his father. He said that "Rise of the Living Dead" is his love letter to his dad.