Rick Warren's successor apologises for Mark Driscoll interview

Stacie Wood, from left, Rick Warren, Andy Wood and Kay Warren. (Photo: A Larry Ross)

The pastor appointed to succeed Saddleback founder Rick Warren has apologised for interviewing Mark Driscoll.

Andy Wood said on Twitter that it was a "mistake and error" to interview Driscoll at the Echo Leadership Conference, which was hosted in May 2021 by the church he was pastoring at the time.

Driscoll used to lead one of the most influential megachurches in the US, Mars Hill, but he resigned in 2014 following allegations of spiritual abuse and plagiarism. He then went on to set up the The Trinity Church in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Wood said his interview with Driscoll at the Echo Leadership Conference was about helping pastors "learn from his mistakes". 

He then apologised for hurting people with his decision to feature Driscoll at the conference.

"In the past I interviewed Mark Driscoll to help pastors learn from his mistakes," he said.

"Since then additional controversy and pain has come out. My choice hurt and confused many people.

"I regret the pain, confusion & distraction this caused. I humbly apologize for my mistake and error."

Wood is coming to Saddleback after serving as lead pastor at Echo Church in San Jose, California. He will start preaching at Saddleback on 12 September after Warren retires.