Rick Warren says God is a competent Father who can solve all of people's problems, whether big or small

Pastor Rick Warren says 'God specialises in the impossible.' (Facebook/Rick Warren)

Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church is extremely confident that God can handle all of people's problems and that nothing is beyond His ability or resources.

"God is a competent Father. He can handle any problem you give him. No request is too big or too small," Warren writes on his website.

The pastor says people have big and small problems in life, but for God, all of these problems are just "small stuff." The fact that God can handle anything is so important for people to know because today's society has an "epidemic of incompetent fathers."

There are no good fathers found on TV nowadays, because shows like "The Simpsons" and "Family Guy" all present deadbeat fathers who are "doofuses," he says.

"Today's dad is the butt of the joke, and everybody else is in on the joke except dad. That's the kind of father that society is promoting today," says Warren. "It's like the kid who was bragging to another little kid, 'My dad could beat up your dad!' The other kid said, 'Big deal! So can my mom!'"

Warren says he tries to be a good father. But as his kids grew up, they learned that he actually has a lot of flaws and limitations. "It's amazing to me when my kids were little what they expected me to fix. My kids expected me to know all, to fix anything, and to afford everything. As they grew up, they learned that their father had limited knowledge, limited energy, limited resources, limited skills — limited everything," he says.

In contrast, God can do anything, says Warren. And the best thing about Him is, the more people spend time with Him, the more they discover that nothing is impossible with God. "Yesterday's impossibilities are today's miracles. God specialises in the impossible! He is a competent Father," assures Warren.

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