Sell all your possessions. Fast every week. Pray every day.
You'd expect a man of God who has taken vows of poverty and chastity to prescribe these sorts of things for those who want to be happy. But Richard Rohr, a Franciscan friar and Catholic priest whose latest book examines the life and message of St Francis, doesn't reduce happiness to a formula or religious magic bullet.
Instead, the author, speaker and influence on the likes of Brian McLaren and Rob Bell says that happiness is "always an inside job". In this short exclusive video for ChristianToday, Father Richard says that the next drink or meal can never be a source of true happiness and even challenges us to consider whether the question, "how can I be happy?" is the best one to ask.
Pope Francis also recently revealed his top ten secrets to happiness but we think you'll find Father Richard's advice simpler and even more challenging.