Remembering George Herbert: 10 Quotes From The Great Priest And Poet

Portrait of George Herbert by Robert White in 1674. Wikimedia Commons

Today is the Church of England feast day of the poet and priest George Herbert.

Herbert was born in Wales in the 16<sup>th century, and would soon attract the attention of King James I for his learning and oratorical skills.

He is known for his legacy as both priest and poet: a man committed to the welfare of his parishioners, whose iconic poetry was steeped in devotion to God, and whose music inspired the Church. His fellow-poet Henry Vaughan called him 'a most glorious saint and seer'.

He died young at 39, but the words he penned have ensured that his memory lives on. Here are 10 quotes that show Herbert for the profound, poetic pastor that he was.

1. Good words are worth much, and cost little.

2. Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right'. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.

3. Living well is the best revenge.

4. He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass.

5. None knows the weight of another's burthen.

6. Death used to be an executioner, but the gospel has made him just a gardener.

7. Throw away thy rod, throw away thy wrath; O my God, take the gentle path.

8. The best mirror is an old friend.

9. Be calm in arguing: for fierceness makes
Error a fault, and truth discourtesy.

10. Storms make the oak grow deeper roots.