Religious people are less afraid of death, say researchers – but so are atheists

Very religious people are among those least afraid of dying, according to a team of researchers – but so are atheists.

The researchers from Oxford, Coventry, Royal Holloway, Gordon College, Melbourne University and Otago University performed a 'meta-analysis', comparing the results of 100 different studies into fear of dying.

Researchers say strong believers and atheists are less afraid of death. Pixabay

They found higher levels of religiosity, like going to church, praying and belief in God were linked with lower levels of fear of death.

However, according to the Daily Mail, they also found the results were mixed, with 18 per cent of people who say they are religious more afraid of 'the end' than non-religious people.

More than half of the research showed no link between the fear of death and religiosity at all.

The researchers said this shows the relationship between religiosity and death anxiety may not be fixed, but may vary in different contexts.

Some researchers say the finding show both strong believers and strong disbelievers aren't worried about dying, with those in between showing most anxiety.

Research leader Dr Jonathan Jong told the Mail: 'This definitely complicates the old view, that religious people are less afraid of death than nonreligious people.

'It may well be that atheism also provides comfort from death, or that people who are just not afraid of death aren't compelled to seek religion.'