'Rainbow Six Siege' update 4.2 news: Buffs, nerfs, and UI improvements headline updates

"Rainbow Six Siege" has a promising new update that features an improved UI for the "bomb game mode." Rainbow 6 website

Ubisoft's "Rainbow Six Siege" update 4.2 was just released, and it comes with loads of balance changes, gameplay improvements, and bug fixes. The update dropped on PC last Jan. 23, and consoles received the patch a day later.

In the official "Rainbow Six Siege"'s website, patch 4.2 came with a lengthy patch note detailing the changes that will take effect once players update their games.

The most notable change would be the balance patches. Concussion effects, for example, have been adjusted to no longer affect sprinting. Specific characters have also been hit by the balance patch, such as Ela, Ash, and Twitch. These characters have frequently been picked by the players due to ease of playing and overall strength. This has led to an imbalance in the game's meta. Therefore, the developers have decided to fix it to allow for a more level playing field.

Of course, it is a balance patch, so other characters have also been buffed as well. Capitao's Para-308's raw strength has been increased, and Lesion's Gu Mine's refill timer has been reduced by five seconds.

Other improvements include a change in the Bomb UI which will now make it easier to play the "Bomb game" mode. Players will now be able to see which teammate is interacting with the Defuser easier. The "Caster Camera" has also been improved upon to make the UI much easier to look at for spectators.

This patch is part of the game's Operation White Noise Mid-Season Reinforcement. Ubisoft plans to release more new content and DLCs this 2018, and that includes new maps, characters, and more.

The Year 3 season pass is already for sale, with a few promos such as an extra 600 credits for those who already have the Year 2 pass or an exclusive "Damascus Steel" weapon skin if one purchases the title before Mar. 5.