Pro-life group: Local court handling Planned Parenthood case tainted by corruption

People walk past a Planned Parenthood clinic in the Manhattan borough of New York. Reuters

Can the public expect Planned Parenthood to be held accountable for selling baby body parts when the court handling the case against the group is supposedly tainted by corruption?

The pro-life group called "Operation Rescue" is calling for the appointment of a special prosecutor to hear and decide on Planned Parenthood's baby body-parts trade to ensure that the outcome of the case, as well as another murder complaint against an abortionist, will be impartial and credible.

Operation Rescue president Troy Newman expressed concern that the local district attorney's office in Texas currently handling the Planned Parenthood case has ties to the abortion industry.

"We believe that the grand juries under [Harris County District Attorney Devon] Anderson's authority were tainted beyond redemption by a personal and political agenda to cover up crimes of abortion providers," Newman said, as quoted by

"The serious accusations against Planned Parenthood of Gulf Coast and against Houston abortionist Douglas Karpen deserve an impartial investigation that is not infected by the bias of personal relationships or political agendas," he added.

It remains unclear, however, how exactly the pro-life group can secure a special prosecutor for the Planned Parenthood case.

Doubts on the impartiality of the Texas grand jury began to emerge when it earlier decided to indict the investigators who uncovered videos showing Planned Parenthood's operations showing illegal trade of baby body parts.

Mathew Staver of Liberty Counsel said he was baffled by this decision against the investigators, when they were just doing their jobs uncovering the truth about Planned Parenthood's operations in the first place.

"They never should have indicted them. They didn't do anything wrong," Staver said, also as quoted by "There was no criminal activity or criminal intent in this case. There is, I think, a real target that they ought to go after. That's Planned Parenthood."

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