Pro-abortion group angry over Doritos' Super Bowl ad that 'humanises foetuses'

A scene from the Doritos TV ad that was shown during the Super Bowl game in Santa Clara, California on Feb. 7, 2016. (Screenshot/LifeNews)

The pro-abortion group National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) is not pleased with the Super Bowl ad of Doritos, since it gave life to an unborn baby.

The 30-second commercial shows a pregnant mother getting an ultrasound at nine months, according to The Christian Post. When the OB/GYN says the baby is due "any day now," the father distracts everyone when he starts eating a bag of nacho cheese Doritos.

Irritated, the mother asks him, "Really? You are eating Doritos?" She then faces the doctor and says, "He is eating Doritos at my ultrasound. Do you see what I have to deal with?"

But surprisingly, when the man waves a single chip over his wife's belly, the baby suddenly moves as if to grab the chip. When the father made the baby move in such a way that causes the mother severe pain, she grabs the chip and throws it across the room.

As she does this, the baby gets out of the mother's womb to chase after the chip, and they all scream in shock.

The commercial simply wants to make audiences laugh, but NARAL is not laughing. It complained that the commercial used "anti-choice tactics of humanising fetuses."

It even tweeted, "#NotBuyingIt - that @Doritos ad using #antichoice tactic of humanizing fetuses & sexist tropes of dads as clueless & moms as uptight. #SB50."

However, netizens got upset with the group and chided NARAL's "horrifying" perspective about childbirth. People even called the group "idiots" and suggested that they "abort" their own tweet.

"Aren't you embarrassed by the ridiculousness of your arguments?" one questioned. Another added: "Truth is that a fetus is indeed a human baby! Thank you @Doritos for showing the truth!"

"If 'humanizing' a human fetus offends you, then that's probably why drilling and suctioning their brains out doesn't," another netizen said.

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