The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has had a slight bump up in his approval ratings since July of 2017. A new poll was conducted at the end of 2017 to monitor his approval ratings to wrap up the President's overall impact for the whole year, which shows that it has slightly improved after its steady decline.
As of the latest poll, which was conducted on Dec. 31, President Trump has an overall approval rating of 39 percent with the Republicans showing majority of favorability, at 82 percent. Meanwhile, 34 percent of Independents have shown approval of President Trump, while only nine percent of Democrats showing favor.
It is suspected that the slight rise in the President's approval rating was caused by the passage of the Grand Old Party tax bill, which is signified in the favorability shown by the Republicans in the polls. The bill is considered to be a big win for the Republican party.
The bill was passed into legislation on Dec. 22, just a few days before the poll took place; however, it is still unclear if the aforementioned bill will serve as a spark to further improve President Trump's ratings in the future. It has been observed that President Trump's popularity goes up whenever he does not appear in the media. It is notable to mention that during the holidays, President Trump spent time at his mansion in Florida, and intermittently playing golf.
It is safe to assume that being distracted by the joys brought on by the holidays, as well as his family, stopped the President from engaging in debates on Twitter, which often leads to him enraging numerous people all at once. However, Secretary Sarah Sanders reaffirmed that the increase in President Trump's approval rating is directly due to the tax bill, which is considered to be the "largest tax cut in history."