Prayers around the world for worship pastor and wife who lost both their children in tragic car accident

Hadley and Gentry Eddings with their son Dobbs. Go Fund Me

A devastating car accident involving a worship leader and his wife from Charlotte, North Carolina, has taken the lives of two children.

Hadley Eddings, who was eight months pregnant, was in a car with her two-year-old son Dobbs when a truck driver ploughed into it at traffic lights, killing Dobbs and injuring Hadley. She was taken to hospital and her baby, Reed, was delivered by Caesarian section, but did not survive.

Her husband Gentry, a worship leader at Forest Hills Church in Charlotte, was driving a separate car towing the couple's caravan. His car was hit first by the truck before it veered off and struck Hadley's car. He suffered minor injuries and was released after treatment.

They had been to his sister's wedding at Topsail beach and were on the way home.

The church's pastor Rev David Chadwick said that the hearts of the entire congregation were with the Eddings.

He told the church in an email: "Gentry and Hadley are beloved by us all. He is a man of enormous integrity. They both possess a deep faith. But it will be challenged in the days and weeks to come like no other time."

"There are no words to describe how sad they feel now," he told the Charlotte Observer. "The feeling is just incomprehensible. No parent should have to lose a child, much less two, so young."

A Go Fund Me page for the Eddings family has raised more than $134,000.