Pope Francis demonstrated his humility and desire to follow in Jesus' footsteps this week by washing the feet of inmates on Holy Thursday.
Francis visited Rome's Rebibbia prison, and addressed 300 inmates before washing the feet of 12 of them.
"Jesus never tires of loving," he told the male and female prisoners. "He loves each one of us, to the point that he gave his life for us. Jesus never tires of loving, forgiving, embracing us."
Francis told those gathered that God loves "even those forgotten by their mothers."
A Vatican correspondent reported that the inmates were from Nigeria, Congo, Ecuador, Brazil, and Italy, and that there were children with their mothers in the chapel.
More than 2,000 prisoners are in Rebibbia, and Francis greeted 150 of them before entering the Church of Our Father. The Vatican reporter said many of those who had their feet washed had tears in their eyes.
"I'll wash the feet of 12 of your brothers and sisters who represent all of you here today," the pontiff said.
He explained that the ritual commemorates Jesus' washing of his disciples' feet on the day before his crucifixion.
"The love that Jesus has for us is so big," Francis continued, "that he became a slave to serve us, to take care of us, to purify us."
The pope also asked that the participants remember his name in prayer.
"I, too, have the need to be cleansed by the Lord, so please, during this Mass, pray for me, so that God cleans my dirt, so that I, too, can be your slave, at the service of the people, as Jesus was," he asked.
Rebibbia prison is also the site were Pope Saint John Paul II visited the man who attempted to assassinate him-- Mehmet Ali Agca.