Political leaders urged to set differences aside to tackle drug crisis

 (Photo: Unsplash/RawPixel)

Politicians are being urged to set aside their political differences to address the public health emergency of rising drug-related deaths in Scotland. 

Scotland has the highest per capita rate of drug deaths in Europe, with official figures showing that 1,187 people died in the country because of drugs in 2018, up 27% on the previous year. 

Rev Brian Casey, of Springburn Parish Church in Glasgow, says he has conducted hundreds of funerals for victims of the crisis - including three people from the same family.

Warning that the status quo is untenable, he is due to speak at the UK Drugs Summit on Thursday where he will call for bold action.

"It breaks my heart that there is hardly a day goes by when I don't see death or pain and brokenness associated with drugs," he said. 

"As a former police officer I was on the frontline of the war on drugs and I am still fighting but now realise that the addicts are the real victims."

Mr Casey said that one of the first drug related funerals he conducted was for a two year old girl.

"She swallowed a fake Valium left lying around by a mother so caught up in addiction that she didn't notice or didn't care," he added.

"When I close my eyes I still see that wee girl's pink coffin being carried into the church and her 11-year-old sister give a eulogy for a beautiful little soul taken far too soon.

"I am reminded of a 16 year old girl with her life ahead of her who took one Ecstasy tablet in a moment of weakness and she died almost instantly.

"Or the brothers aged 11 and 15 who came to me to arrange their 43-year-old estranged father's funeral."

Mr Casey said it was these tragedies that were spurring him to campaign for change. 

"I hope members of Scotland's two governments set aside their differences and commit to working together for the common good," he said.

"I hope they agree that enough is enough and pledge to be bold and innovative and make real, meaningful change for people who want a hand up to help themselves

"The status quo is no longer an option."