'Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon' news: Free rare Pokemon guide

"Pokemon Ultra Sun" and "Pokemon Ultra Moon" YouTube/Official Pokemon Channel

Players of the Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon shouldn't expect to get the normal Pokemon treatment. Since the game's release, Nintendo has been releasing tons of freebies and giveaways for a limited duration. Granted, some of these giveaways have already ended, but there are still some free rare event Pokemon trainers should keep an eye on.

First is the Pokemon Rockruff, which can only be obtained by simply connecting to the Nintendo Network once players got their hands on the Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Players must hurry to claim Rockruff as there is only a specific time frame the freebie is available. The promo started on Nov. 17 and will end on Jan. 10, 2018.

Rockruff is a level 10 Rock-type Pokemon. Its special abilities include the "Own Tempo Ability," and it can evolve into a special Dusk Lycanroc when it reaches level 25.

There is also the Psychic/Grass-type Pokemon Celebi which can be obtained from Sept. 22 until Sept. 21 next year. In order to collect Celebi, players must first buy the Pokemon Gold and Silver from the 3DS eShop. Players must then check the receipt where the code of Celebi is located.

Players just need to enter the code in the Mystery Gift section of the game to unlock Celebi. Its main ability is "Natural Cure" and features some pretty powerful Ancient Power and Future Sight moves.

Lastly, there is the Pokemon Magearna, which can be unlocked anytime without a given time frame. A level 50 Pokemon, it's a Steel and Fire Type with abilities that include the "Soul-Heart ability," Fleur Cannon, Flash Cannon, Lucky Chant, and Helping Hand moves.

Interested gamers can simply access Pokemon.com and scan the QR code given at the website. After scanning the QR code players should head on to the antique shop in Hau'oli City shopping mall which can be unlocked after winning a Grand Trial.