For those who are getting into Pokemon just now, it can seem a little daunting to know where to start because of its many versions. Fortunately, for rookie trainers who want to play the "Ultra Sun and Moon" version, Nintendo has announced that there will be a Starter Trainer's Pack for the game.
The Starter Trainer's Pack, as the name suggests, will include items to help first-time players through the early stages of the adventure. The pack will come with a copy of either the "Ultra Sun" or the "Ultra Moon" version of the game, a download code for up to 12 Revives for players to restore any defeated Pokemon, and players will also get an exclusive keychain that features the cover Pokemon of the games: Dawn Wings Necrozma for the "Ultra Moon" version, and Dusk Mane Necrozma for the "Ultra Sun" version.
As for the price, there is no confirmed price for the Starter Trainer's Pack just yet, but Nintendo America says that the pack will be available at "participating" shops. As for the Veteran Trainer's dual pack, it costs $80 and has a copy of both titles plus 16 art cards, and a download code for 200 Poke Balls.
Along with the launch of "Pokemon Ultra Sun" and "Pokemon Ultra Moon," there will also be a Pokemon-themed version of the new 2DS XL. The handheld console will feature a white and orange color combination. This is the second Pokemon-themed console following the first one which is inspired by the Poke ball.
"Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon" will launch on Nov. 17 for Nintendo 3DS. Players who get either game before Jan. 10, 2018 will get a special gift in the form of a special Rockruff that will evolve into the new Dusk Form Lycanroc.
Those who pick up Pokemon Gold or Pokemon Silver from the 3DS Eshop will get a code for the Mythical Pokemon Celebi, which can also be redeemed in the Sun and Moon versions or even in the upcoming pair of games.