"Pokemon Sun and Moon" are still going strong with their latest update this May. The games have been generous since their release and there is simply no stopping them from giving. What are in store for players this month?

"Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon" has been generous since their release. During the past months, the Pokemon Company has released Munchlax, Magearna, and several other pokemon via code.
"Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon" has been generous since their release. During the past months, the Pokemon Company released Munchlax, Magearna, and several other pokemon via code.
This time, the Pokemon Company is being more than generous. For the month of May, players can now help their pokemon to Mega evolve. The event will be giving out four Mega Stones for four pokemon to help them unleash their highest potential.
Mega Evolution is a type of evolution that was first introduced in Generation VI. It is the highest form a pokemon can achieve, the ultimate form of themselves. Mega Evolution changes the pokemon's appearance, type, ability, and stats.
In order to attain a Mega Evolved form, a pokemon must need "Mega Stones." Mega Stones are unique only to a specific pokemon, and not all pokemon have one. This means not all pokemon can have the ability to Mega Evolve.
For this distribution, "Pokemon Sun" and "Pokemon Moon" will be giving out Pidgeotite, Steelixite, Heracronite, and Houndoominite Mega Stones. These stones will allow Mega Evolutions for Pidgeot, Steelix, Heracross, and Houndoom, respectively. Players can get these gifts via code.
In order to get the gifts, players need to select Mystery gift on the games' main menu. The next step is to select Receive gift, and then select Get With Code or Password. After that, the game will connect to the internet.
To get the four Mega stones type in the word "AZUL," then enter.
After this process, the Mega stones can then be received in any Pokemon Center throughout Alola.