Today, Nintendo finally rolled out another significant chapter in their "Pokémon" game franchise in "Pokémon Sun" and "Pokémon Moon." As per the usual premise for the famed series, the new titles will bring forth new Pokémon to be collected and trained by the players.
Some of the new Pokémon that were added to the growing Pokédex include Munchlax, Magearna, and Greninja.
Per the game's website, Munchlax can be acquired as an early purchase add-on. The pocket's evolved form is Snorlax. Moreover, the said early purchase offer will run until Jan. 11, 2017.
Meanwhile, Magearna is a Steel/Fairy-type Pokémon who was artificially made. Players will have to use the QR scanner feature built within the "Pokémon Sun" and "Pokémon Moon" titles. Gamers will have to scan the code needed to obtain the mythical Pokémon. More information about this pocket monster can be found on the game's official website.
As for Greninja, players will have to make friends with the said Pokémon first in the game's demo in order to have it as a mystery gift in the actual game.
Apart from the new creatures, the game introduced a new feature known as Z-Moves. According to Nintendo, these special attacks boast immense power though it is said that it can only be unleashed once every match.
Other attributes of the new games include multiple options on how to challenge other players depending on one's connection. Players can engage in Free and Rating battles in particular spots, Link battles in Festival Plaza, and via Quick Link.
"Pokémon Sun" and "Pokémon Moon" are now available exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS. For more information on the games' mechanics and how to obtain special offers, players may check out the official website.