'Pokemon GO' updates: Healthy, beneficial way to evolve Eevee revealed

A player can evolve Eevee into Umbreon or Espreon by walking kilometers to collect candies. Pokemon

While it is already a known fact that the best way to evolve the Pokemon Eevee in "Pokemon GO" is to assign it with a certain nickname, it was recently revealed that there is another method that will not only result into its evolution to either Umbreon and Espeon but will also send a player outdoor and engage in a physical activity.

It was reported earlier that "Pokemon GO" has helped many of its players because the game increases their physical activity. After all, the game sends it players outdoors and requires them to walk a significant distance so that they can capture the monsters that can up their game level.

To recall, "Pokemon GO" players discovered last year that they can evolve their Eevee Pokemon into its higher forms by assigning it with certain names. Should they want to evolve the Pokemon into Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Espeon, or Umbreon, all they have to do is assign it with a nickname Pyro, Rainer, Sparky, Sakura, or Tamao, respectively. 

While the said trick is the preferred method by many "Pokemon GO" players, it was recently revealed that Eevee can also be evolved in a way that can benefit a player's health by going outdoor. As evolving Eevee requires 25 candies, players are advised to make Eevee their buddy Pokemon first and walk 10 kilometers to collect, at least, 2 candies.

Once a player already has 25 candies, he must make sure to let Eevee stay as his buddy Pokemon before finally evolving it to either Espeon or Umbreon. Should a player decide to evolve Eevee into its Umbreon form, though, he must do so between 6 p.m. and 3:59 a.m. On the other hand, if he wants to evolve the Pokemon into its Espeon form, he must do it between 4:00 p.m. and 5:59 p.m.

Players are reminded, though, to determine the current time by checking the in-game screen as the game does follow the local time zone. When the in-game music and display are in night or day mode, it means it is the part of the day that the game is currently set in.

It is apparent that the said method is not only time-consuming but is also limited to Eevee's Espeon and Umbreon forms. However, in the event that "Pokemon GO" players decide to go for the method, they will hit two birds with one stone: Evolve Eevee and go on a physical activity that will benefit their health.