Many "Pokémon GO" players found the first set of tier 3 bosses too easy to beat. After a recent update by Niantic, the augmented reality game's tier 3 bosses Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon and Arcanine were replaced. Porygon, Ninetales, Omastar and Scyther will take their places. Here are tips and tricks on how to defeat the new set of tier 3 bosses.
Porygon has the lowest combat power while Omastar possesses the highest combat power. However, Porygon, Omastar and Scyther can be defeated by solo players. According to Pokémon GO Hub, the important thing to remember when solo raiding these Pokémon is their weakness. Porygon is weak against Grass-type Pokémon, Omastar to Fighting-type Pokémon and Scyther doesn't do well against Rock-type Pokémon.
Machamp and Heracross are both effective with their counterattack against Porygon. Rock attacks deal two times more damage against Scyther so the ideal Pokémon to deploy is Golem with his Rock Throw and Stone Edge attacks.
For Omastar, Solar Beam by Exeggutor and Venusaur will do the trick.
However, Omastar has a 2685 Max CP, which makes it difficult but not impossible to solo raid the Pokémon. Omastar's best moves are Rock Throw and Rock Slide. Grass Pokémon are resistant to Water, Ground and Electric types. Venusaur is vulnerable to Fire, Flying, Ice and Psychic-type Pokémon which makes him a good match against Omastar.
Ninetales' strongest attack moves are Fire Spin and Overheat. These attacks give players a hard time because of their high damage. Ninetales' moves are super effective against Bug, Grass, Ice, Steel, Ghost and Psychic Pokémon. The advisable Pokémon types to choose to go against Ninetales are Dragon, Rock, Ground and Water.
Raid Battles are considered the best way to collect exclusive items like Golden Razz Berries and Rare Candy.
Niantic also released new avatar items to celebrate the release of "Pokémon Ultra Sun" and "Pokémon Ultra Moon."
In other news, Niantic recently announced the upcoming AR game "Harry Potter: Wizards Unite." "Pokémon GO," however, won't be left behind.
The gaming company clarified that development for "Pokémon GO" will still be continuous. According to Niantic, "We — the Pokémon GO team — want to say that we... are 100 percent committed to creating an ever-changing and growing game that deepens players' connection to 'Pokémon GO.'"