'Pokemon Go' tips and tricks guide: Buddy candy chart and how to use them

"Pokemon Go" trainers all have favorite pokemon, the one they would love to take on adventures. Because of that, Niantic developed the Buddy Pokemon System that allows trainers to have their beloved pokemon tagging alongside them. Not only that, these pokemon are rewarded with candy by staying with their trainers' side. How will players be able to activate this system? How far will these pokemon walk until they get a candy?

A promotional banner for "Pokémon GO" Facebook/PokémonGO

"Pokemon Go" has a feature called "Buddy System" that allows trainers to pick their favorite pokemon and take them on their adventures. The buddy pokemon will stay and walk with that trainer, and in turn get candy as a reward depending on the distance they covered together. According to USGamer, the buddy system can also serve as a useful feature for leveling up pokemon. This will also come in handy if a trainer is trying to evolve a rare pokemon that cannot be encountered in the wild.

To choose a buddy pokemon, players need to only tap on their icons on the bottom-left corner of the screen. Then, tap the menu icon and choose "buddy" from the options. Take note that players can only choose their buddy pokemon within their team.

Now that a player has chosen his/her pokemon, there is specific distance in which they can earn their candy. Every pokemon differs from one another. For example, a Butterfree will earn a candy after one kilometer, and a Squirtle will have to cover three kilometers in turn

At one kilometer, pokemons such as Pikachu, Butterfree, Pidgey, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Raichu, Clefairy, Bellossom and Pichu can all earn a candy per covered distance. At three kilometers, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charmander, Sandshrew, Vulpix, Ninetales, Vileplume, Growlithe, Abra and Machoke, can all get one per covered distance. Lastly, Onyx, Hitmonlee, Lapras, Dratini, Mareep, Eevee. Snorlax, Elekid, Hitmonchan, and Larvitar can all receive a candy per covered distance at five kilometers.

Remember that any distance covered with the current buddy pokemon will be wiped out if the player chooses so switch them. VG247 also mentions that players should also take note that no matter what kind of pokemon gets chosen, the required distance can only give a single candy.

"Pokemon Go" is now available for download on all iOS and Android devices worldwide.