The augmented reality game by developers Niantic, "Pokemon Go," has some news that may excite its fans. It has been recently revealed that the third generation Pokemon will be released soon, and gyms and PokeStops will be receiving upgrades as well. Additionally, players will be exposed to new and more Raid battles, which is one of this year's biggest improvements with regards to player enjoyment.
In a report by Gamespot, Niantic did not make big announcements or even provide "Pokemon Go" fans with promotional material ahead of the refreshed list of Raid Battles. Instead, duration for Raid Battles has been tweaked, and these instances will now run for an estimated 45 minutes instead of a full hour. Metapod is now a tier one Raid Boss, while first generation Pokemon Charmeleon, Ivysaur, and Wartortle are bosses as well.
Of course, some Pokemon favorites have remained as Raid Bosses for the time being. These include Tyranitar, Gengar, and Snorlax. More importantly, highly-sought after Legendary Pokemon Entei, Raikou, and Suicune are available in their "final regions." According to Metro, Niantic has effectively made it much easier for players to come together to meet up in anticipation of a Raid Battle.
Also, about 130 generation 3 Pokemon may be released some time in December, before the year ends. However, fans should not expect all of these Pokemon to be available to catch right off the bat, since Niantic has been known to slowly release Pokemon as time goes on.
As reported by Express, the PokeStops and Gyms have received an update as well, which is meant to increase the number of both around the globe. Unfortunately, it has been found by some players that the update was not properly implemented since some have complained that some PokeStops have been dropping less items compared to before. On the bright side, Gyms still provide the necessary items, such as revives and potions.