'Pokemon Go' news: Maximize chances to catch Kyogre, the Generation 3 Water-type legendary Pokemon

Capturing "legendaries" is one of the biggest challenges in Niantic's "Pokemon Go." REUTERS/Mark Kauzlarich

Much like in the main series Pokemon games, catching a legendary Pokemon could be one of the toughest challenges trainers may face in "Pokemon Go." Now that Generation 3 legendary Kyogre has arrived in the augmented reality game, players can be the trainer of this water-type behemoth. It will not be an easy run, however.

Type matchup is still the player's best friend when catching this legendary. Considering that Kyogre is a Water type, the best types of Pokemon to bring into the capturing party are Grass and Electric type monsters. It should go without saying that a Fire type Pokemon would be a horrible pick for this mission.

Raikou is one of the better picks, as it can easily tank the damage dealt by Kyogre and it can dish out a lot of damage, in return. Thunder Shock and Wild Charge are prospective entries in the wildcat's moveset.

Zapdos is also a good choice as its Flying half-type will not exactly be a weakness. However, this electric bird may be brittle and may not withstand Kyogre's physical damage. The general idea is to maximize Zapdos' damage output, dealing all the damage it can deal before it goes down.

Sceptile is also a solid choice, as its Grass typing can prove a boon against Kyogre's straight Water type. One advantage of using Sceptile is that it is easily obtainable. Treeckos appear in the wild when the weather is right, and catching a hilgh-level Treecko and evolving it into a Sceptile will be a nice investment.

Kyogre is one of the legendary Pokemon introduced in Generation 3. Groudon is another, but this Ground-type legendary will be unavailable to catch starting Jan. 15.

"Pokemon Go" is Niantic and Nintendo's augmented reality game featuring the titular Pocket Monsters, and is free-to-play for Android and iOS.