'Pokemon GO!' news: Farfetch'd unlocked after players capture three billion in six days; Ho-Oh now available for limited time

Pokemon Go! Twitter/PokemonGoApp

Due to the "Pokemon GO!" Global Catch Challenge event, players managed to reach the big three billion goal. Of course, a goal like this has its reward, and the results of the event unlocked the incredibly rare Pokemon Farfetch'd which is also exclusive to Japan.

Some steady progress has been made over the past six days, which led to "Pokemon GO!" players being able to catch three billion during the special worldwide event, and within its time limit too. Those who took part in this event will find themselves unlocking the rare Pokemon, which is now available outside Japan for only 48 hours. So, it is best to get them while there is still time. For players in Japan, they will be able to get the Kangaskhan, the Pokemon exclusive to Australia.

A reason for the speedy progress towards the big three billion goal was due to the gradual unlocking of double Stardust, double XP, as well as increased Pokemon spawns that players manage to find along the way. These in-game effects will be there until the end of the month.

In other news, another Pokemon is now available in "Pokemon GO!" and just like the previously mentioned Farfetch'd, this one is also only available for a limited time. The Pokemon in particular is one of the two legendary Pokemon in the Johto region named Ho-Oh. Unlike Farfetch'd, players will have more time to catch this Pokemon as it is available until Dec. 12.

This was recently announced by the "Pokemon GO!" official Twitter account, as another way to say thanks for the three billion catch goal that happened during the Global Catch Challenge. Ho-Oh, in essence, serves as an additional prize for the players who took part in the event last week.

Players will be able to find Ho-Oh in Raid Battles all over the world. This should make it a little easier for players to find this legendary Pokemon than the other legendary monsters like Mewtwo, Entei, and Luiga, all of which first started to be available on a more limited time.