'Pokémon Go' Halloween event gameplay features: Gen 3 Pokémon now included

Promotional photo for the Halloween event of "Pokemon Go" with Gengar as its poster boy. Twitter/Pokemon Go

With a few more days still left before "Pokémon Go" ends its Halloween event, the mobile game has included new Generation 3 pocket monsters.

The newest Pokémon to join the Niantic universe are Sableye, Shuppet, Banette, Duskull and Dusclops. Those who want more can rest assured that there will be further additions come December when creatures from "Pokémon Sapphire" and "Pokémon Ruby" cross over.

Apart from these new additions, players can still enjoy the limited-time spooky pocket monsters featured in the Halloween event. These include Gastly, Cubone, Misdreavus, Houndour and more. A Pikachu in a Halloween costume will also be seen from time to time.

"Players will begin to see these mysterious Pokémon from the Hoenn region out in the wild," Niantic said in a press release. "We hope Trainers enjoy this special Halloween treat!"

In this event, players can get bonuses in the form of Candy rewards, just like a trick or treat. They can earn this by catching, hatching and transferring Pokémon. Special boxes, which contain Raid Passes and Super Incubators, will be available in the in-game shop. The Mimikyu Disguise Hat is also up for grabs to dress up avatars.

Niantic is known for the many themed events it launches throughout the year. The game developer also usually just lets its players discover the secrets of the events on their own. As for this one, fans are still waiting to see whether the powerful Mewtwo will be available to catch. Its psychic powers make it suitable for Halloween.

There are those, however, who were lucky to get a sighting of a Shiny Sableye. The catch? The chances of seeing one are pretty slim, around 1 in 256, according to a recent poll. Still, this gives fans hope that there are other variants available if they get lucky.

The "Pokémon Go" Halloween event kicked off last Oct. 20 and will continue until Thursday, Nov. 2, 4 p.m. EDT.