'Pokemon GO' datamine news: 23 new monsters from third generation now available

"Pokemon GO" adds 23 new monsters to the list, all from the third generation. Niantic

Niantic has released a new update for "Pokemon GO" that adds 23 Pokemon from the Hoenn region.

"Starting later today, 23 additional Pokemon originally discovered in the Hoenn region in the Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire video games will begin appearing in Pokemon GO for the very first time," developer Niantic stated on their website.

While they did not give out exactly what new Pokemon were arriving with this batch, they did have a promotional banner that showcases some of these new creatures. Based on the image alone, players have confirmed Cacnea, Camerupt, Aron, Trapinch, Flygon, Whismur, Soldrock, and Lunatone. Now because of the nature of Pokemon games, it would also be reasonable to include the evolutionary lines of these Pokemon which includes Cacturne, Numel, Lairon, Aggron, Vibrava, Loudred and Exploud, which brings the total count to 15.

The people at The Silph Road, one of the largest fan groups related to "Pokemon GO," have made predictions for what the remaining eight could be based on the pattern scene in the other 15.

Due to the desert theme of the image and the so-far confirmed Pokemon, others have speculated the following to be the final eight: Nosepass, Baltoy, Claydol, Lileep, Cradily, Anorith, Armaldo, and Torkoal.

According a post on the official Pokemon website, two of the new additions, Solrock and Lunatone, are unique in that, while they can be found throughout the world, the two of tthem will never be in the same region at the same time. Given the nature of these two Pokemon, there's a good chance that their encounter rate will depend on what time it is in one's area. The short post also confirms Nosepass, one of the Pokemon that The Silph Road predicted, is included among the 23.

Niantic has also announced that the next "Pokemon GO" community day will take place on Feb. 24 and will have Dratini as the featured Pokemon. On this day, players will have a better chance of encountering Dratini in the wild and will even have a chance to learn a previously unavailable move for it.