PlayStation 4 slim release date, specs news: console to have new controller with dual light source?

Sony's original PlayStation 4

Speculations about the possible features of Sony's rumored PlayStation 4 Slim remain to be the talk of town as the video game console manufacturer continues its silence about the upcoming device.

New reports claim that the upcoming controller of the PlayStation 4 Slim has been teased by tech blogger and developer ZRZ on YouTube. Based on the clip, the new controller has almost the same features as the current PlayStation DualShock 4 controller. But the new one appears to have a minor facelift, as the light bar on top will also be seen on its front face.

However, it is not yet sure if the light extra light in the new controller will come from a separate source, or if it was just a slit that lets the backlight to bleed through.

There are also no reports if the new controller will also solve the problems on its battery life. The current one can only function for five gameplay hours at most on a single charge. If this issue will be addressed, the new PlayStation 4 Slim controller could be at par with Xbox One's controller that can last up to 24 hours.

While Sony has yet to release the new units of the rumored PlayStation 4 Slim, LetsPlayVideoGames writer Laura Dale revealed that she already tried playing with Sony's latest game console. She revealed that the units of the new PlayStation 4 Slim has no optical port, and it comes with a slot for easier hard drive replacement.

She also revealed that Sony is not expected to release the device for at least another two weeks, since the company is planning to hold an event on Sept. 7 to unveil their latest PlayStation products.

Aside from the PlayStation 4 Slim, Sony is also expected to unveil its high-end game console model, the PlayStation Neo.