Are Plants Humans' 'Leafy Cousins'? Ken Ham Rejects Scientists' New Claim, Says It's Absurd


As everyone knows plants and animals are all living things created by God. But now scientists are saying that they are more closely related than ever imagined, that plants are actually man's "leafy cousins."

Young Earth Creationist Ken Ham strongly disagrees though, saying that such a worldview is contrary to the Bible and stems from "evolutionary religion."

In a Facebook post on Jan. 13, Ham blasted a new scientific research recently highlighted in BBC Earth arguing that plants "are just very slow animals" which move "with purpose."

Earlier, Jack C. Schultz, professor in the division of plant sciences at the University of Missouri in Columbia, Plants, came out with a research paper that reveals his findings after spending four decades investigating the interactions between plants and insects.

In the study, Schultz pointed out that plants should not be dismissed as just "part of the furniture" since, just like humans, they "fight for territory, seek out food, evade predators and trap prey."

Olivier Hamant, a plant scientist at the University of Lyon, France, corroborates Schultz's observations, saying that to prove that plants behave just like animals "you just need to make a fast movie of a growing plant."

Plants move with purpose, which means they must be aware of what is going on around them just like humans, the evolutionists claim.

But Ham found the claims absurd, saying that God created plants for food and definitely not as man's relatives.

The president, CEO, and founder of Answers in Genesis pointed out that whatever similarities plants and humans share, one thing clearly differentiates the two: Humans have "nephesh" which plants don't have. Nephesh is a Biblical Hebrew word whose literal meaning is "living being" or soul in English.

"Do plants have feelings, too? Again, the absurdity of the evolutionary religion and the belief we're related to plants," Ham asserted.

He said people should trust God's Word, not the worldview based on "man's word" which he said is incorrect.

Ham has often criticised evolutionary science and even clashed with other major Christian leaders such as Pope Francis in this regard, The Christian Post reported.

Just last month, Ham accused the pope of going against God's Word when he reportedly defended the Big Bang theory on the creation of the universe.

"It's inconsistent with God's Word! The pope is wrong based on Scripture. No matter what the pope reportedly said, God's Word contradicts the Big Bang and evolution — only God's Word is infallible," Ham said.

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