Phil Robertson says congressional hopeful Zach Dasher 'believes in Bibles and guns'

Phil Robertson (Photo: A&E)

"Duck Dynasty" star Phil Robertson frequently speaks at national Republican Party conferences and rallies, but he recently donated his time and influence for a candidate closer to home.

The patriarch appears in two campaign ads for Louisiana congressional hopeful Zach Dasher – Robertson's nephew.

"On Tuesday, Miss Kay and I are voting for Zach Dasher," the reality star said in one video, entitled "Vetted."

"He loves his family, he's got a servant's heart, he knows his Bible. He is a good man. We vetted him."

The video features Dasher spending time with his wife, Jill, and their four children, as well as walking and talking with his uncle.

The second ad is entitled "Believe," and is even more candid.

"Hey, Louisiana," Robertson began. "Bibles and guns brought us here, and Bibles and guns will keep us here. Zach Dasher believes in both. That's why I'm voting for him."

Dasher, 36, is vying for the 5<sup>th District congressional seat currently held by Vance McAllister. McAllister hesitantly decided to run for re-election after being caught on camera kissing a married staffer. Dasher is also running against Former Grant Parish District Attorney Ed Tarpley, Monroe Mayor Jamie Mayo, and five other candidates on Nov. 4.

Dasher works in the private sector in Calhoun, and has never run for political office. He said that it was time he step up to make a change.

Zach Dasher and family YouTube screenshot

"It is time for ordinary citizens to get off of the sidelines and get involved in the political system," Dasher told reporters in June.

"For too long, we've set idly by while Washington politicians slowly gain control over every aspect of our lives. I am seeking to represent the people of the 5th District in Congress so that I can effectively fight the big government intellectual elitists in Washington."

Dasher also derided the increasing separation of United States politics from God.

"What I see in Washington, D.C., is no God," he told the Associated Press. "I think there's a vacuum in D.C. of people who understand where rights come from. Rights don't come from men. They come from God."

Dasher's campaign videos can be found on his YouTube channel.